Tracking Classes...
During the year, DFW Tracking Club offers any or all of the 3 levels of tracking classes: Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced. Once a class is scheduled it will be posted on the website. Due to the class limits, enrollment will open 1 month before the start of each class session. No enrollments will be taken early.
Beginner classes - for those who are new to tracking, or starting a new
dog. The Beginners class usually starts later, but students are welcome to come early to watch the other classes. You can learn alot by watching other dogs work. In the spring or fall, the instructors may pull the beginner class in early to complete in time to get out of the heat. Please see below for scheduled start time.
Intermediate classes - for those who have a basic tracking foundation on the dog and are continuing to work towards the Tracking Dog title. The intermediate class usually starts immediately following the Advanced class track instructions. In the spring or fall, the instructors may pull the intermediate in early to complete in time to get out of the heat. Please see below for scheduled start time.
Advanced classes - for those who have earned the Tracking Dog title and are working towards the titles of Tracking Dog Excellent or Variable Surface Tracking. The advanced class starts running tracks as they come of age. These classes students are required to lay building block tracks and require several hours worth of commitment.

Classes are typically scheduled for 8 weeks in the early morning of a Saturday or Sunday. They may be 2-6 hours in length. Because the Beginner classes especially are intensive and each week builds on the prior week, students should make the commitment to attend all of the sessions, instructors may assign additional student practice to augment classes.
Classes are held around the DFW area and vary from session to session depending on the land available and the class structure. Students and their dogs can expect to deal with a variety of ground covers, footing, and wildlife.
Dogs need to learn to track with people around them. Students will be expected to
watch other dogs work - both because of the benefits gained by the handler in watching other
dogs and for the benefit to the working dog in having people around while it is working.
During classes the dogs that are not being worked must be contained quietly and safely.
Times: 7:00am - Advanced, 7:30am - Intermediate, 8:00am - Certification**, 9:00am - Beginner
Cost: $120
Certification class at discretion of the judges and must be prequalified.
** - Certification class may not run every week due to judges availability.
If you are interested in a class, please click here to fill out the
and send it along with the amount, made payable to DFWTC, to:
DFW Tracking Club
C/O Cindi Todd
147 Cool Meadows Court
Millsap, TX 76066