
Welcome to the Dallas Fort Worth Tracking Club, otherwise known as DFWTC.

Due to instructor availability there will be no winter classes.

The Concept...

DFWTC was conceived from the need to have a club, local to the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, whose purpose is to teach people and their dogs the steps to learning to track successfully and to provide the community with much needed tracking tests.

The Skills...

DFWTC holds classes and seminars that allow people to gain knowledge about tracking, scent patterns, map making, track laying, and how to read their dog. In the process, the people learn what fun it can be to spend time with their canine companion in an activity that is based on trust in their dog.


The Test...

Each year DFWTC holds AKC licensed tracking tests. Currently DFWTC offers Tracking Dog (TD), Tracking Dog Urban (TDU), Tracking Dog Excellent (TDX), and Variable Surface Test (VST) level tests.

The Saying...

There is a saying, "Let the wind be your guide and follow your dog!" To that end, we have followed our dogs to form DFWTC so that others can enjoy this sport with their canine companions.


For more information about DFWTC, contact us at info@dfwtc.org.  For more information about tracking click on the About Tracking link.